Thursday 13th of February 2025

Organic Certification

Universal Hygienic Food Certification Research Council Limited. 

UHF Certification Council / (HYGIENIC WORLD)
The Organic & Halal Food Quality Certification authority in Nepal, which is registered under Nepal corporate Law and Hygienic World/ UHF Certification Council. It’s been accredited by most of the HALAL Food Quality Certification authorities around the World.

After few year of research we founded UHF Certification Council in 2015. Our mission is to protect and improve global human health as well as consumer right and to promote natural, Organic, herds and food items from land of hills, mountain and nature to the world. We are also certifying Hygienic, Organic & Halal.
Second part of our mission is to polish agro-torism and good quality of food and agriculture product to national and international market. Therefore we would like to share our ideas skills events and seminars in front of world.

Food Quality Certification Documents:

Application for UHF Certification Council/Hygienic World
Audit Work Order Form
Declaration Certificates
Brand Details
Company Registration certificate (Copy) – Registration with the government
Analysis report of the product (if applicable-lab test reports produced to Food and Drugs authority of Nepal) Food registration certificate (Copy)
Process Flow Chart
In-Process & Terminal Inspection Plan
Laboratory Analysis Report
Raw Material’s Buyer Details (Company’s Latter Pad in)
Standard Operating Procedure for Personal Hygiene
Finished Product Inspection Report
If ISO, HACCP etc certified, Please provide copy of the certificate.

The product list which needs to be Hygiene Certified, on your company letter head.
–  Flow chart of the manufacturing of each product in your company letter head.
–  Copies of recent purchase order for raw materials.

List of supplier of raw materials.

Application for UHFCRC Accreditation

Company Name :      ………………………………………………………….

Reg. No. :       …………………………………………………………………….

Address :       …………………………………………………………………….

Telephone :   …………………………………………………………………….

Fax No. :        …………………………………………………………………….

Website :       …………………………………………………………………….

E-mail :          ………………………………….……………………………….

Type of  Business : …………………………..……………………………….




Service intend to :    …………………………………………………………….


Target Market :         ……………………………………………………………



Referred By :            ……………………………………..……………………..



Check certificate expiry dateOnline Apply

Our Client


Hygienic Food for Healthy Life

Quality food for healthy life


Upcoming Events

Hygienic Food Expo

Hygienic Food Expo

Food Awarness

Hygienic food for healthy life  

Global Marketing

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Consumer Rights

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Food Friendly Tourism

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Hygienic Members
